Being a producer of creative projects and a mother don’t need to be mutually exclusive—how can we as parents in early postpartum (and beyond!) reframe and reclaim the work we do as artists and caregivers to be seen as productive, valued, and meaningful? Join novelist and host Kaitlin Solimine on this journey of reframing postpartum and parenting as worthy of intellectual, philosophical, and socially-impactful pursuit.
It’s hard to find the balance between being a mother and pursuing creative projects – especially during the 4th trimester. When Kaitlin Solimine, a published, award-winning author and mother of three young children, was lying in bed recovering from her third childbirth, she had an epiphany: this time that most have described as “lost” time, was rather extremely creatively informative for her (she wrote new sections of her novel and even launched this podcast from that bed!). Deep in the trenches of early postpartum herself, join Kaitlin and her creator-activist-mother guests, as they navigate the liminal space between mothering and creating. If you are a new parent in postpartum, had a creative pursuit before you became a mother, or simply seek inspiration from other artists who are creating during a transitional time, this is the podcast for you.
These episodes will provide you with practical and philosophical suggestions on how to reframe your work in a space where parenting is not ordinarily considered meaningful productivity, generate new ideas on how to incorporate creativity into motherhood (and how parenting moments may inspire creative pursuits as well!), and explore other artists’ processes around creating during the transition to parenting young children. Although this podcast is not meant to be prescriptive, hearing these stories and learning about the tools other creatives use will hopefully inspire you to consider ways to integrate your artist and caregiver identities in meaningful, impactful ways.
“I think your angle on the need to create/be productive alongside motherhood is particularly fruitful.”
— Alexandra Carter
Why the term “production”?
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